Heiti for Odin
Aldaföðr |
father of men gautr of men the ancient gautr father of all eagle head attacking rider wealth friend blaze eye bear blind evil doer chieftain brown one spearman lord of the dead one with straight forehead ever booming cargo gaut journey empowerer snatcher mighty gaut mighty þulr, mighty poet concealer, much wise much wise ancient one ancient Ölvir one who rides forth the found contrary advisor wanderer journey advisor one in gaping frenzy god, goth dangler spear inviter spear gaut spear master spear charger guest blind guest deciever riddler seducer gaut protector yeller wand weilder masked one grim warrior battle blinder skilful worker hanged gaut hanged one fetter god fetter loosener high one high dear one grey beard one eyed high one Hel blind hang jaw host blinder host father host gaut one of the host host glad host gaut battle wolf helmet bearer screamer famous lord, mound lord inciter one eyed high one raven god fetterer, ripper blusterer roarer lord of gauts, tumult gaut tumult, gaut horse hair moustache whet courage roarer splendid ruler just as high yellow brown back gelding iron grim horse wolf, bear jule figure mighty one old man nourisher long beard shaggy cloak wearer user, enjoyer frenzied one, inspiring spirit frenzy, inspiration weaver, inciter protector, hawk boomer wished for red moustache wagon gautr truth getter truth drooping moustache drooping hat drooping beard victory bringer victory father victory gautr victory protection victory author victory tree victory successful victory sure victory gautr treachery ruler sleep bringer reed bringer calmer, spear gautr fleeting cooler, sweller clever quarreler third triple burgeoning strength sweller rumbler, thunder lean, pale double twice blind lover, beloved, striver dangler vigilant father of the slain slaughter gautr chooser of the slain slain tame slain gautr slain reciever way tame gautr of men stormer wide famed contrary screamer killer swinger dangler terrible stormy |