The Oseberg Ship
The Oseberg Ship
(click on the images to enlarge)
The Oseberg Ship Burial is a 9th century ship burial from Oseberg farm, near Slagen in Vestfold, Norway, which was excavated in 1904
The heavy blue-clay soil and the compacted turf mound produced anaerobic conditions, resulting in excellent preservation of the finds.
The ship is thought to be an early version of a karve (a high-status private transport ship). It is a clinker-built vessel of oak, 21.6 m long and 5.1 m broad with a depth of 1.6 m.
The ship has twelve strakes a side, each of which is riveted to the strake below. The vessel had 15 pairs of oars and a square sail.
The ship was placed in the mound in c.834, but parts of the ship date from c.800.
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