Recent dendrochronological dating has confirmed that the ships date to 780 to 800 AD 1, right at the beginning of the Viking Period. The ships were deliberately broken and then buried, but contained no sign of a body, which makes their deposition more in keeping with pre-Viking bog deposits, rather than the ship burials of the Viking Period.
In terms of its structure, Kvalsund II shows an interesting point in the development in shipbuilding techniques between the Nydam Boat (dendrochronologically dated to between 310 and 320 AD) and the Oseberg Ship (constructed c. 820 2).
1, Nordeide, S. W.,Bonde, N. & Thun, T. (2020), “At the threshold of the Viking Age: New dendrochronological dates for the Kvalsund ship and boat bog offerings (Norway), Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports Volume 29.
2, Bonde, N., (1994), De norske vikingeskibsgraves alder. Et vellykket norsk-dansk forskningsprojekt, Nationalmuseets arbejdsmark, pp 128-147