The Oseberg Ship Burial and its Finds
The Oseberg Wagon
(click on the images to enlarge)
The skeletal remains of two females were found in the Oseberg Ship – one was 50 – 60 years old, the other previously thought to be much younger, has now been re-assed as being c. 50 years old (Næss, E.M., “Viking’s Afterlife Voyage”, Current World Archaeology, issue 45, February/March 2011, p 51)
Both women had been placed in beds within a wooden burial chamber hung with woollen tapestries and fine Byzantine silks. The burial chamber has been dendrochronologically dated to 834 (see graph).
The grave-goods accompanying the burial included a wagon, four sledges, items of furniture, buckets, storage chests, kitchenware and a full range of farm hand tools, together with the equipment necessary for producing woollen textiles and the woolen textiles and tapestries thwmselves. The richness of the grave-goods suggests that the deceased was a member of the Vestfold royal family.
One of four elaborately decorated sleighs
Detail from the above image
Further information about the textiles can be found at The textiles among the Oseberg finds.
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