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Vikings: Raiders, Traders and Settlers

Quiz for students of the Oxford University online course "Vikings: Raiders, Traders and Settlers"

1 / 10

What style of Viking Art does this silver brooch display?

2 / 10

Both Völuspá in the Poetic Edda and the Gylfaginning in the Prose Edda relate how the first two humans, were created from two driftwood trees by the gods. What were the names of the first two humans?

3 / 10

The drawing shows a scene from the Gosforth Cross in which sentry for the Æsir who lives in Himinbjörg by Bifröst, the rainbow bridge that leads to Ásgarð, where he stands guard with his horn Gjöll. What is the name of the sentry?

4 / 10

These famous remains of two Viking Period houses are in the Fareo Islands. Whereabouts in the Faroes?

5 / 10

This figure from the cult site at Lejre is believed to represent one of the Norse gods. Which god is it?

6 / 10

This Norse Period round church is on the Orkney Mainland. Whereabouts is it exactly?

7 / 10

This gold Arabic dinar is a fake made by a Viking. It was found in Eastern England. In which county was it found?

8 / 10

This Gotlandic picture stone shows Odin riding to Valhalla on his horse, Sleipnir in the upper panel, and a scene showing Wayland’s forge in the middle of the lower panel. Where in Gotland was the stone discovered?

9 / 10

This axe highly decorated with silver inlay has given its name to a Viking Art style. What is that style?

10 / 10

This Vendel Period helmet plate matrix was part of the grave goods of a burial. Where was that burial?

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