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Bryggen Runic Inscription 145 (N B145 in Rundata)

The Bryggen inscription 145 (also known as N B145 in Rundata) is a runic inscription discovered on a wooden stick among the medieval rune-staves of Bergen. Dating back to around the year 1200, it features four sides. Noteworthy for containing a rare Skaldic love poem in the form of a complete dróttkvætt stanza, it also includes a quote from the classical Latin poet Virgil. This illustrates the coexistence of native Norse and Classical education during medieval Norway.
Runic Inscription
fe=ll til friþra=r þ(e)=llu fa=rl(e)=gh=ra=r m(e)=r a=rla fiska=ll festiba=la fo=rn byr hama=r Fell til fríðrar þellu fárligrar árla fiskáls festibála forn byrr hamar
no=r=na þæim (u)ihdi he=uir þunda=r þo=rnluþrs (e)o=lun·buþa=r g=lo=uma=r gyghia=rto=uma norna; þeim lundi hefir Þundar þornlúðrs j?lunbúðar glauma gýgjartauma
ka=lt=rs falkha haldet omnia uinsciþ amo=r æþ nos c=(c)itam(m)-- amori galdrs fastliga haldit Omnia vincit Amor et nos cedam[us] Amori.
ga=ld=rs fasl(e)=gha haldet omnia uinciþ amo=r æþ nos c(e)damus amori galdrs fastliga haldit. Omnia vincit Amor, et nos cedamus Amori.

Old West Norse and Latin normalization

(lundi is emendated from the nonsensical and metrically faulty uihdi of the inscription)

Fell til fríðrar þellu
fárligrar mér árla
fiskáls festibála
forn byrr hamarnorna.
Þeim lundi hefir Þundar
þornlúðrs jǫlunbúðar
glauma gýgjartauma
galdrs fastliga haldit.
Omnia vincit Amor, et nos cedam[us] Amori.

English translation

The first half-verse (helmingr) is relatively straight forward. It translates as:  (kennings are shown in brackets)

The ancient breeze of the cliff-goddesses [GIANTESSES > DESIRE] fell to me early with respect to the beautiful, dangerous young pine-tree of the fastened fire of the fish expanse [SEA > GOLD > (beautiful, dangerous, young) WOMAN].

Simplified, this means:

Desire for the beautiful, dangerous young woman overcame me a long time ago.

Love conquers all; let us, too, yield to love!

(The Latin quote at the end is from Eclogue X by Virgil) 

Information regarding these inscriptions is taken from Scandinavian Runic-text Database